Sl. No. |
Title |
1 |
Ex-gratia grant of Rs10.00 Iakh and consolidated pension @Rs. 2,000/-pm to NoKs of defence personnel and Paramilitary Forces of State who make supreme sacrifices for the country during War and Counter lnsurgency Operations. |
2 |
Monetary grant of Rs. 50,000/- in lieu of agricultural land to Defence personnel who served in the forward areas during the period from 26.10.1962 to 31.01.1964(both Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Ranks) and landless ESM (up to Hav and equivalent rank in Navy and Air Force). Widows of personnel killed in action during 26.10.1962 to 31.1 .1964 are also eligible. |
3 |
Cash reward to Gallantry and Non-Gallantry Award winners for both serving/retired armed forces personnel (PVC- Rs 9.00 lakh, MVC/AC- Rs 7.50 Lakh, KC-Rs 4.50 lakh, VrC- Rs 3.00 lakh, SC-Rs 2.25 lakh, SYSM-Rs 1.97 lakh, UYSM-Rs 1.45 lakh, YSM-Rs 1.15 lakh, SM/NM/VM-Rs 0.75 lakh, PVSM-Rs 0.65 lakh, AVSM-Rs 0.32 lakh, VSM-Rs 0.13 lakh, Mention-in-Despatchs-Rs 0.31 lakh). |
4 |
Monthly pension of Rs. 6,000/- for life to non-pensioner 2nd World War Veterans and their widows. |
5 |
Reservation of 3% vacancies in Group -B, Group-C and Group-D posts in State Govt. Dept/State Public Sector Undertakings. |
6 |
Relaxation of educational qualifications for ESM for appointment to any vacancy in Group -C and Group-D posts. |
7 |
Age relaxation of ESM for appointment to any vacancy in Group-A to Group-D posts. |
8 |
Reservation of 3% seats for children of ESM/Widows in Medical Colleges (MBBS/BDS/BHMS/BAMS), Veterinary, Agriculture, Forestry, BF Sc, Community Sc, Agri Engg, B.Tech/BE, B. Plan, B. Arch, B.Ed, Nursing, Diploma in Pharmacy and Medical PG (MS/MD) Courses. |
9 |
Reservation of 2% seats for children of ESM/Widows in Diploma Engineering/Polytechnics and ITIs. |
10 |
Reservation of 1% seat in General Colleges (including P.G course) for wards of ESM/Widows and serving Defence personnel. |
11 |
Reservation of 8% in allotment of houses/flats for Defence/ESM in Odisha State Housing Board Schemes and 2% in BDA. |
12 |
Exemption of Holding Tax in Municipal/NAC and Urban Local bodies for ESM and families of deceased soldiers. |